Improving efficiency metrics at a large UK bank

This UK bank, one of the largest in the UK, implemented a delivery metrics tool that was deployed to all departments. Its purpose was to improve the delivery efficiency of the teams. This tool was used by thousands of people. However, the understanding of each metric within their user base varied from expert to complete beginner. This lack of consistency meant that the tool's value was not optimised.

Reference guides in general

When teaching new subjects, I will also provide extensive written guidance. This has the following benefits:

  • A single point of truth for people to reference after training

  • Storing more complex information that would be overload in a training course

  • Shaping my own thought process to ensure I fully understand what I’ve done

Metrics guide

I created a guide for delivery metrics with information about how to understand and optimise each one. This proved very useful for the teams I had trained. Following a discussion with the metrics team lead, we decided to use this for the whole bank.

The change had the following benefits:

  • The metrics tool team saved a great deal of time not having to explain every metric

  • The guides were used extensively by many teams

  • The value of the tool increased, leading to improved results across many departments

  • Other leaders no longer had to create the same material locally, saving them a lot of time

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