Delivery Team Optimisation

Do your teams need help?

Delivery team optimisation

Improve many aspects of your delivery teams. Combines the views of team members coupled with an external perspective.

From not tracking progress well to ignoring risks, there are a lot of things that can go wrong within a team. Innosee can help with expert analysis and support.

There are two offerings to create improvements:

  1. Team practices - Discussion with a team leader followed by observation

  2. Team health - One-to-one conversations with team members around a variety of delivery aspects

Team practices

Problem this solves

Teams can operate in a mist, where you know there’s something not quite right about how they work but can’t get to the bottom of why. You can often see the symptoms such as late delivery or low quality. The temptation is to jump to conclusions without understanding the root cause of their problems. Innosee will deep dive and help you create change where it matters.


Improvement should start with self-reflection. This can help an experienced leader consider where to focus without the need to intervene. In cases where their skillset is lacking, full support can be provided. The typical duration of the first 3 steps is 1 week per team:


Leaders view

A structured interview to determine the leader’s view of maturity. This uses the improvement areas below.



Observation of the team’s ceremonies and reviewing their working practices. This provides an external view of maturity.



Key findings are documented, and the maturity level is revisited. Next, a set of improvements is created that can be prioritised.




Training, mentoring or coaching on specific improvement areas.

Improvement areas

Team practices are considered across the following categories:

Team practices

Team health

Problem this solves

It can be hard to gain deep insight into how your team members are feeling. Clues often surface during retrospectives and one-to-ones, but these can be a scattergun approach. Some people don’t want to speak up, or important subjects aren’t covered. Being able to see trends against specific areas, such as everyone unhappy with an external team, can allow you to pull the right change levers.


Giving people space and time to think through how they feel allows for improved outcomes. To build trust, the team member has full control of what is recorded. You may see trends across the organisation if this is run with multiple teams.

The typical duration of the first 2 steps is 1 week per team:

  1. One-to-ones

A conversation around several areas to gain deep insight into how each team member feels. This is a two-hour session that can end early if the time is not required.

2. Key findings

Important findings and trends are highlighted. You may find that certain areas aren’t working well for everyone.

The sponsor of this initiative will get full control over the data. They can decide what is released to external teams and people.

3. Improve


Training, mentoring or coaching on specific improvement areas.


If you would like to know more, please reach out for a free discussion
