Shifting from a focus on outputs to outcomes in a large bank department

Traditional portfolio management methods focussed on detailed business cases containing financial predictions. These typically showed the expected return on investment (ROI) over time. Organisations then found these benefits weren’t being achieved post-release. This was an expensive way to discover you were wrong. Some of these financial predictions were simply made up to justify someone’s favourite investment idea. Agile techniques replaced these and front-loaded testing to improve the likelihood of success. In many organisations, the understanding that outcomes weren’t so certain led to dropping business cases entirely. This sometimes went too far, with portfolio items becoming a list of work items with no measurements. In this very large bank department, there were the following problems:

  • The strategic intent of a portfolio work item could be unclear

  • A lack of current state metrics meaning it was not possible to measure improvement

  • A lack of expected results, meaning you could not determine what success looked like

Introducing Objectives and Key Results

I used Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) to transform the department to be more outcome-focused. OKRs are a simple but powerful technique for defining and measuring your strategy. They have two parts:

  1. Objective - Provide a simple, concise description of the strategy

  2. Key Results - Measure the current baseline and set a target to aim for by a certain point in time. You may or may not commit to achieving the target

OKRs use the following format:

Objective - A single sentence summarising the strategy

Key Result(s) - From [baseline metric] to [target metric] by [date] stretch / committed

The Key Results can be “stretch” or “committed”. You can commit to an outcome or stretch where it can’t be guaranteed.

Change Approach

The change was undertaken as follows

  • Creation of a one-day hands-on training course

  • All senior managers and team leaders trained up

  • Centralised storage area (using Confluence) created for storing and measuring results

  • Creation of OKRs for new and existing portfolio-level work items

  • Mentoring of each product manager to create good quality OKRs

  • New quarterly results review session with senior management and product leadership

The impact was significant and helped create a department that was more focused on results. The product owners began to put outcomes front and centre and became more focused on metrics. Reporting started to shift from delivery timescales to results. This gave the senior team invaluable feedback on their strategy, allowing them to pivot or stop where required. The difficulty in achieving this change in mindset and approach should not be underestimated. This type of change requires extensive support to succeed.

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